I know someone who once try to compromise with God. She was very sick. She smoke a lot and always said that you can take everything from her but you leave her cigarettes.
One day I spoke very hard with her and her words to me was "If God heal me I will stop smoking" I told her not to play with the grace of God. Well, God healed her but she did not stop smoking. I confronted her and remind her about her promise to God. She still did not stop.
Later when she went for a checkup they found the cancer again and this
time it was worse. She was crying but you see don't ever play with God's
grace. She is not with us today but thank God she repent on her death
bed. I want to ask you, don't ever mock God or try to tell Him what
He must do . Don't ever play with His grace. Don't ever make promises
that you can't keep. Are you ready to face your God? Are you ready when its time for you to go home?
Based on the Lord's Prayer: Matt 6:9-13 By Babsie van der Berg
"Our Father who art in heaven" we worship You who lives in heaven but who, in love and grace, is involved with us.
"Hallowed be Your name" in my own life; in Your church and in all the
people's hear's in the whole world. We rejoice together with the angels:
" Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty." -sa 6:3) "May your kingdom come" firstlr in my own heart and life. Help me to be Your faithful fitness.
"May Your Will be done" over the whole earth and for the good of all
humankind. May Your will be done in our homes, workplaces and schools.
May we willingly bow before the authority of Your will - just as I
heaven. Then, O God, there will be peace and reconciliation on earth.
"Give us our daily bread" Provide us with those things that we truly
need so that we can live. Provide it also to those across the earth who
suffer lack; the hungry, the sick and the grieving. "Forgive us our
trespasses" Those of wich we are aware of and those that we are not
aware of; those that we purposefully commit and those that we have done
unconsciously. As You forgive us, help us Lord, to forgive those who
have done wrong to usm "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil" Daily we aresurrounded by temptations. Keep us standing
through Your great love and mercy so that we can live on victorious
ground "For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever" You, Lord our God, are above all others.