The most powerful message on the earth is the Kingdom of God. The
Father sent Jesus with this message. The Father sent Jesus to preach
the Kingdom of God and to demonstrate its presence by casting out devils
and healing the sick. Jesus took this same
assignment that was given to Him by the Father, and He delegated the
same responsibility to us that the Father had first delegated to Him.
Now for you and I to get the job done effectively the Father restores to
us the dominion that was at the first, the Kingdom, and gives us the
power of the Holy Spirit to get the work done.Today
the Church lacks the vision of Jesus as Christ the present King of the
Kingdom. God sent Jesus to be a King in the earth but the Church has
made itself to be a Kingdomless Church. You must
do what the devil doesn't want you to do. You must purpose to seek
first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness intentionally, and you
must be the ambassador God has called you to be, representing His
Kingdom and His kingdom alone.How do you seek first the Kingdom of God
you ask? It is not by joining a particular Bible
Study group, becoming a member of the choir, serving on the usher board
or being the pastor's armor bearer. None of these things mean that you
are seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Going to
Bible College, University or Seminary doesn't mean that we are seeking
first the Kingdom of God. To seek first the
Kingdom of God you are going to have to discipline yourself to study the
Kingdom and His righteousness. That's the Kingdom, what it
is, what it means in the Hebrew and Greek, read everywhere where Jesus
preached the Kingdom, the context that He preached the Kingdom in and
see that the preaching of the Kingdom of God has as much validity
today.There are those individuals who block the preaching of the Kingdom
of God just as the Pharisees did in their day. They won't come into
the Kingdom of God and they hinder those who are trying to come in.
There are whole denominations that turn a deaf ear and blind eye to the
responsibility of the Church to preach the Kingdom of God, preferring
instead their brand of religion in the name of God. Often times these
groups settle for an emotional experience with God and hope that God
will favor them and show Himself faithful, but their own faithfulness to
His central message and purpose for sending Jesus is
non-existent.Seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness
requires you to come outside of your comfort zone. You have to
experience the paradigm shift. You have to see that there was a
specific message God sent Jesus with, and the message wasn't salvation.
He did come to save but His message was the Kingdom of God. Jesus came
preaching repent for the Kingdom of heaven has arrived.Jesus came as
the governor of peace (kingdom), and of His peace there shall be no end.
Jesus did not come to bring you a religion, any religion. He came to
bring you a Kingdom. Jesus came to restore to you the kingdom
(dominion) Adam lost. Jesus did not come to give you the Catholic
Church, its religious hiearchy, or the many variations or derivatives,
Episcopal in their make-up or pentecostal.Jesus did not come to bring
you Baptist or any of your denominations. He came to bring you
something so much greater. He came to bring you the Kingdom of God. He
came to restore to you the dominion that Adam had. He came to restore
to you the dominion that was at the first, the kingdom. (Micah
4:8)Without an understanding of the Kingdom of God the Church is
kingdomless. It (Church) misses its purpose and cannot successfully
fulfill the assignment it was created for. As you are seeking first the
Kingdom of God and His righteousness God is seeking to salvage you,
redeem you and restore you to the glory that is rightfully yours.The
Kingdom of God is now. Paul understood the Kingdom of God and He didn't
even walk with Jesus in the physical like so many other disciples did.
Paul obtained by revelation what God today wants you to receive. Paul
describes the Kingdom of God as Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy
Ghost. He refers to the Kingdom as a kingdom not in word but in power.
When Paul uses the word "Gospel" he is nto just referring to the good
news of salvation. Often times Paul is preaching the good news that the
Kingdom has arrived and that Jesus is King. In Acts 17:1-7 Paul and
Silas had a testimony of turning the world upsdie down. How did they do
it? What was the chief complaint of the religious and civil rulers of
the day? Why were they so incensed against Paul? Verse 7 of Acts
chpter 17 reveals that these leaders, these rulers who were suppposed to
know God, and the governmental leaders were complaining because Paul
and Silas were preaching that Jesus is King. What makes this so
powerful is that this was 60 years AFTER the death, burial, resurrection
and ascension of Jesus Christ back to heaven.Paul no doubt understood
the urgency of the message that Jesus is King. And it was with this
message that Paul and Silas was turning the world upside down. They
weren't preaching Jesus saves or at the least, they weren't preaching
that Jesus saves as the only mesage. The record shows that they were
preaching that Christ is King. Apostles, Prophets
of today must get what Paul and Silas had. Thesee men of God had a
revelation of the right now presence of the Kingdom of God and that
Jesus is King and they preached it. Today's Bishops must rid themselves
of the Catholicity that marks their offices and return to the
simplicity of being those who make sure that the Pastors maintain sound
doctrine. But if the Bishops don't know the doctrine of the Kingdom,
and the Apoistles don't know the doctrine of the Kingdom, what hope do
many Pastors have of ever discovering this powerful sacred truth found
in scriptures that is designed to set the captives free and make them
free indeed.Today many people are hurting. They are confused about
their purpose. They are in search of their divine destiny. They know
that there has to be more to it than what it has been, but they don't
know what is missing they only know that something is missing and they
look to the Church as the answer and the leaders as the source of the
answer. Without an understanding of the Kingdom of God the leaders
sermonize (that's been the traiining) and seek to edify the people
(which only passifies them) encouraging the people to hold on a little
while longer because their breakthrough is on the way.The people knowing
even less than the leaders, begin to live vicarioiusly through the
leadership supposing that somehow if the leader is anointed and drives
well and lives well then there is still hope for the member. The people
not only lose their identity in the denomination or religious group but
they lose the ability to function outside of what Bishop said or Pastor
said. So many people leaders included have been seduced by a wily
devil whose devices we in ignorance were not aware of. Paul warned of
Satan's devices and we looked for the obvous but the inobvious was that
the enemy attacked in the area of our doctrine and he used religious
leaders as the chief weapon of ignorance in his attack. Now
today leaders have to be humble enough to receive rebuke and correct
themselves yet a great many will not. Instead of falling on the Rock
they are going to allow the Rock to fall on them and grind them to
powder. Its already begun...judgment has come to the House of God. The
Father is no longer winking at our foolishness and is commanding all
men everywhere to repent.The Kingdom of God is not the "flavor of the
month." This is not a fad or just a bunch of people thinking they've
found some hidden revelation that we can be excited about for a little
while until the next new thing comes along. God is literally using the
reality of the right now presence of the Kingdom of God, raising its
visibility, and at the same time stripping the religous system
naked.Apostles that do not know the Kingdom struggle with identity.
They perhaps have believed that they are called to such an office of
Apostle but they lack the doctrine of the Kingdom the apostles were so
painstakingly brought into the revelation of, and so today's would be
apostles if they have an ounce of true sensetivity to the Holy Spirit,
know too that something is missing.Bishops have desired a good office
but there is a failure to recognize the foundation doctrine of the
Kingdom, the central message of Jesus that is to form the central
message (doctrine) of the Church when it comes to being the Church that
Jesus established. Today men and women are seeking the office of a
Bishop. They are following what they believe God is speaking to their
heart just as many an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher
have done. But these leaders, all these leaders are going to have to
examine themselves to see if they are truly teachable and not just
following the Holy Spirit of their imagination, one born of the religous
system that has emerged in the place of the Kingdom Church God
ordained.I've been deleted from Facebook pages, expelled from FB Groups,
School of the Prophets and so on and the more I study the Kingdom of
God and His righteousness, the more I seek first the Kingdom of God,
digging, searching, seeking with urgency, inquiring and requiring of
God's Sovereignty, His Royal Rule and Dominion the more I discover how
woefully ignorant we the Church have been and how stubborn we are to
remain in the same position that we've been in for centuries. What the
Holy Spirit tells me is that we've become such because we refuse to be
moved out of our comfort zone. There are those leaders who do not like
the notion that we could have been wrong all this time. There are those
who it is easier to cancel the message out by keeping you out of their
churches, off their members FB pages, and away from their conferences
then make the changes necessary and truly obey God. Again,
judgment has begun at the House of the Lord and if you are a leader
over a Spiritual House and you are not teaching the people the central
message of Jesus, its urgency and power, you are not delivering to the
people what they need the most to become truly free. You will continue
to sermonize and preach lies of hope for breakthrough. You will
continue to listen to the voice of the devil tell you to prophesy peace
when there is no peace, and you will continue to maintain the religious
status quo because it is the means by which you now have an
identity.Paul said that as an Apostle he spaired nothing in order to get
to the people the truth. His mission was that Christ would be formed
in the follower of Jesus. Paul said that we were to follow him as he
followed Christ. It is time that you and I followed the Jesus Paul
followed and that we recognize the true price, the true cost of
ministry. Without an understanding of the Kingdom of God, its power,
its purpose and its urgency leaders fail to lead and the people fail to
walk in God's best. So friends whoever you are,
you don't have to like the messenger, don't have to like this ministry,
don't have to give two flips about this page, but you must give credence
to the fact that the Kingdom is present, the Church is ignorant of it,
and those who ignore the purpose of the Church while supposing to be the
Church miss the very reason for their existence.Leaders do not miss
this opportunity for change. Do not let the people rediscover the
Kingdom of God before you do. The more the people discover the life
transforming power of the Kingdom of God the more obsolete you become as
a leader. Make the shift! The same way you learned holiness, faith,
and the works of God by reading the Old testament; and you learned the
elementary doctrines of the faith in the New Testament, you must now
apply the time to learning the Kingdom of God. The whole of the Bible
is about a King, His Kingdom and His royal family. James said in his
book, chapter 2 verse 8 that "IF you fulfill the ROYAL LAW of love you
do well."People, whether your leaders get this truth or not, you are
never going to be judged by what your leaders have taught you alone.
You are going to be judged in part by whether or not you made God's
kingdom and righteousness your number one priority and whether you have
taken the truth of the gospel of the Kingdom of God and of salvation and
have impacted anyone in this world, helping them to change governments
and be restored to God's image and likeness.Seek the Kingdom, study the
Kingdom, inquire concerning the Kingdom, require and pursue the Kingdom
of God and His righeousness and then God will provide for you what you
need. You've been trying to get God to move on your behalf and He has
moved "marginally" but His desire is to keep His Word and He said
through His Son Jesus, that you are to "Seek FIRST (not 2nd, 3rd, 4th or
whenever) the Kingdom of God and His righeousness...and then the things
you need will be provided to you. I am a living witness and stand to
testify that Matthew 6:33 is all that the Prayer of Jabez is and more
when you make the Kingdom of God and His righteousness your number one
priority. I just heard the Holy Spirit say those
of you who are reading this...and you are smug in your brand of
Christianity, refusing to make the changes necessary to make the Kingdom
and His righteousness your number one priority, only reveal to God that
you have made your Christianity an idol and taken the theologies of man
and left the theocratic rule of God. He says repent today. Don't
philosophy this message. Humble yourself right where you are and repent
today. Change your thinking today. He says some of you don't know
where to begin. You don't know what to do with what you are reading and
hearing. God says just repent. Turn from your wicked ways of
religion, tradition and deception, and personal rebellion, and begin to
re-think your relationship with God. The Father says that this is the
hour that He is requiring of you a humble submission that you have not
known, yet you prayed for this moment. You agonized in tears asking God
to reveal to you the truth, to tell you what to do, to show you His
divine will for your life and this day God has come to answer you in the
prayer of your heart. Repent ye and believe the good news; the Kingdom
has come and is alive in you and will produce for your daily. The
righteousness that Christ is, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost are yours
now. Receive it and walk in the revelation of your divine kingdom
citizenship with authority. Your life changes today. Your life will
never be the same. Be healed in Jesus name! God's Ambassador, Dr. Leonard N. Robinson Senior Pastor Kingdom Vision Ministries International Church on the Mall, The Kingdom Church Cheltenham Mall, Montgomery County, PA 6101 Limekiln Pike, Philadelphia, PA 2291 Wilner Drive, Pittsburgh, PA Affiliates Buffalo, NY; Washington, DC; Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Detroit, MI; Los Angeles, CA International Australia; Ukraine; Barbados; Ghana; Uganda; Indonesia; India