Overcoming Rejection by MELINDA PERRODIN MBA
Are you
tired of facing rejection in your career? You went on several job interviews
and you did not get selected for the position. You have a burning passion to do
something and no one wants to give you an opportunity to release it. Are you
working at a job and you often get overlooked for a promotion? Does the
rejection makes you feel like that maybe this career is just not for you?
It is time to learn how to overcome rejection and not let the rejection keep
you stagnated. Rejection is an attack of the enemy to delay and discourage you
from pursuing your career because obedience toward your purpose bless you and
others. I challenge you not to let rejection make you give up on pursuing your
The first key to overcome rejection is not to take the rejection personal.
Rejection does not eliminate the purpose that God has for your life. Whenever
people do not embrace your talent, it does not mean that you are not called by
Many people did not believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah. He faced
rejection from people throughout his three years of ministry on earth. Jesus
was healing people of various physical conditions but a segment of the
population still rejected him and they labeled him as a false prophet. Jesus
did not debate or argue with his critics and he continued to work his gift
which led to several people being healed spiritually, physically, and
emotionally. He was denied by Peter and betrayed by Judas.
Apostle Paul faced rejection because of his past. Prior to Apostle Paul’s
conversion to Christianity, he killed and persecuted many Christians. Some
Christians refused to accept his teachings because they felt Apostle Paul did
not change. Jesus Christ and Apostle Paul kept on ministering despite the
rejection because their passion to pursue their purpose on earth was greater
than the rejection they endured .
The second key to overcoming rejection is knowing that rejection leads to a
greater blessing. "Man's rejection can be God's direction. God sometimes uses
the rejection of hateful people to move you to a new place or assignment--where
you wouldn’t have thought of going on our own. He must slam the door in your
face through rejection to get you to look in another direction” (Kent Crockett,
Whenever you are constantly facing rejection, God is designing His best for
you! Abraham Lincoln lost several elections but he still served as a member of
the House of Representatives. Abraham Lincoln was rejected by voters for United
States Senate and Vice President. Abraham did not let the rejection from voters
stop him from running for President of the
United States. Abraham Lincoln won
as president of the United
The third key to overcoming rejection is to seek the favor of God and not
people in your career. Some people may reject your talent. God blesses you with
the talents and He will prepare a place for you to use the talent. When you
have the favor of God, you will get to your purpose. God will allow your talent
to make room for you and bring you before great men (Proverbs 18:16). I
challenge you to stop wasting your time trying to prove to people that you are
talented and anointed but instead allow God to shine the spotlight on your
talent and anointing.
The fourth key is to learn how to encourage yourself during rejection. You have
to believe in your talents when no one else does. Hannah wanted a child and she
watched Peninnah had a baby. Hannah learned how to encourage herself. God
granted her request and she had a son named Samuel.
The fifth key to overcoming rejection is to know that your season for which
your gifts and talents will be needed will come to pass. Joseph was overlooked
and forgotten by his family and Joseph’s time came to be pharaoh. David was
overlooked by his father because David’s father showed all David‘s brothers to
Samuel but his time to be king came. Abraham Lincoln was rejected by voters for
several positions but his time came to be President of the
United States.
Your time for a promotion and job will come to!
References and material credits:
Nelson, Thomas. (1976) Holy Bible King James Version. Thomas Nelson, Inc.